
The Authors Goals

There are 2 goals for this website. A goal to educate the people who view it, and a goal I have myself.

Trust me. When I say I love coffee. I love coffee. I’m talking 4-5 scoops of strong Lava Java for 1 cup. The flavour of a powerfully strong coffee I adore to this day.

Coffee for me was part of a daily habit, as it is for 90% of the world’s population. This makes caffeine the most commonly used drug. I realised after years of daily consumption that I was reliant on this substance, especially if I had not had my coffee for the day. After about 30 hours the withdrawal of caffeine would noticably start for me.

For me, headaches were the sign I needed to have a coffee, and to me, it almost felt embarrassing to admit this.

There has always been part of me that knew being reliant on anything is a sign of weakness, but not only that. It is simply just inconvenient and impractical. The average takeaway cup of coffee is £3.40 in the UK.  This means a coffee a day for a year is around £1200.

You can picture the queue of dozy zombies fiending for Starbucks to open with their Apple Pay at the ready in the airport. People are much more reliant on caffeine than many people realise. It is a drug of exquisite productivity, but this effect will taper over prolonged periods.

I have the belief caffeine should be used as a tool, and this is where the benefits are majorly found. I have seen these benefits in my life and educating people on caffeine means they have information they could use to possibly improve their lives

My other goal is personal to me. It is to improve my ability as a digital marketer and a writer. This website is a place I can help people learn, and increase my experience in an entire plethora of areas. From running my own Google Ads account which will improve my skills in PPC (pay-per-click advertising), my skills in SEO (search engine optimisation), and my skills in many other areas.

Please make the most of your time on this website and contact me with any queries.
